What We’re All About

Discover Life-Changing Connections

We desire to become followers of Jesus and strive to know Him and make Him known. That’s why, for us, it really boils down to three things: Connecting to God, connecting to one another, and connecting to our neighbors. We are learning how to love God together and share that love with others. We want to do this through creating life changing connections both inside and outside the church building.

Sundays | 9:15am + 10:30am

We are a multigenerational family of Jesus’ followers. At 9:15 am, some of us gather to worship in a more traditional setting, while others connect in “Connect” groups to learn God’s Word, encourage and pray for one another, and challenge one another to live on a mission for God. At 10:30 am, we have what we call our Exalt worship service, which has a more contemporary feel, as well as Connect Groups for those who worshipped at the earlier time. Sunday morning is a fun family gathering for us as we celebrate what God is doing in us, through us, and around us.

What We Believe

The Bible is God’s Truth

We’re All Human

We All Need Salvation

We Have Help

We Have Purpose

The Best is Yet to Come