Welcome to Ridgecrest students! We exist to help students thrive in their faith by creating a fun, welcoming atmosphere where they can come and build relationships with other students, as well as leaders who seek to point them to Jesus.

Our week at a glance

Sunday Mornings

9:30 am in the loft

Our connect group eats waffles together each Sunday as we walk through scripture together conversationally as a group.

Wednesday Nights

6:30pm in the loft

We have a lot of fun at our Wednesday night service, including eating popcorn and weekly games. We also worship together, teach through the Bible, and have small groups where students can dive deeper with their peers.

Events + Activities

Stay tuned for updates!

Summer camp, Meta, bonfires, guys/girls nights, and summer hangouts are just a few of the events that we host every year as a way for students to connect to one another, be challenged in their faith, and intentionally serve others.




Wednesday Nights

6:30-8 pm, in The Loft

Join us for popcorn, games, worship, and small groups as we work through Hebrews 11.

September 15th

2-3 pm, in The Loft

Grow with us in your prayer life as we gather for a Sunday prayer time! We will be teaching and equipping on how to pray and spend time in prayer.

September 25th

6:30-8 pm, in The Loft

Invite a friend and join us for the ultimate party night! We’ll have nachos, play games, and compete with our small groups.

September 28th

9-2 pm, in The Loft

Serve with us! Are you looking for a way to serve this fall? Look no further! We need some help updating, organizing, and painting the loft. Join us and help take care of our space!

We would love to hear from you about how we can answer any questions or better connect with your student!